Clothed for Confidence By: FlowerGypsy Kaylann Blackburn

I want you to think of an event in your life; the first day of school, the interview to get your dream job, the marathon you have been training for, the day you walked down the aisle, or the family photoshoot you had planned. I bet that while thinking of that event you asked yourself, “What am I going to wear?” Clothing is such a huge part of our lives without even thinking about it. Clothing is an accessory to our heart and souls. It’s a visual of how we feel, what we like, a piece of who we are.
My whole life I have loved outfits, and by outfits I mean matching the shoes, the jewelry, the makeup, creating the whole look! My grandma always told us to dress the part and present ourselves how we wanted to be seen. There isn’t a major milestone in my life that I didn’t ask myself what my outfit would be? My shoes are usually my favorite part and the first thing I pick.
A few years back I fell into the mindset that it didn’t matter what I wore because I NEVER left the house. I am stay at home mom and my days consisted of nursing, cleaning, changing diapers, repeat. I told myself it was a waste of time to get ready. It didn’t take me long to feel the weight of this mind set on my confidence. The truth is I am my best self when my hair is done, my makeup is glowing, and my outfit is picture worthy. Dressing for success has a trickle affect for my self esteem. If I look good, I feel good, I do good!
I am a mom of 4 and boy did my body love to change through this journey. In the last 9 years I bet my closet has had sizes 27-36 and that’s no exaggeration. There have been several times that trying on clothes wasn’t fun and killed my confidence . I felt lost trying to dress this new body. I longed to feel comfortable in my clothing but struggled to know my new style. It became easier to just stay in my comfort zone of what I knew; leggings, baggy sweatshirt, and messy bun.
I remember walking into Allure after I had my 4th baby. We were having family pictures and I wanted to feel beautiful. I was shown jeans that hugged all the right places and didn’t accentuate the areas I was insecure about. I was given tops that flattered my figure. I began to look in the mirror and not notice all my insecurities but see how comfortable I felt in this outfit that was put together for me. Allure is so much more than a clothing store. Its boutique filled with women who have a love for fashion and want to help you remember, or maybe even for the first time feel like trying on clothes can be fun. No matter our stage in life or where our bodies may be, we all deserve the Pretty Woman scene where she gets a day of trying on all the fun outfits and feeling like she’s the most beautiful woman in the room. Our family pictures turned out fantastic because we all felt our best! I shortly returned to shop at Allure for my 30th birthday, once again they took the time to help me try on stuff I may have never even looked twice at. Even though I had baby weight to loose it was so nice to have cute outfits I could put on and feel classy. Allure became my favorite confidence booster destination.
Allure was needing a photographer for their fashion show that winter and I was given the opportunity to shoot for them. I quickly fell in love with Megan’s vision and what she wanted to share with the community. I have been Allure’s photographer for a year now and been able to witness the greatness that comes with women “shopping” for clothes. So many times customers walk through those doors looking for a cute shirt but leave with something such greater. At Allure, clothing is more than just style, it’s like wrapping yourself in confidence and adding a bit of sass. When you turn to see yourself in the mirror it feels like the best big hug.